
FaceclaimVincent Nightray (Pandora Hearts)
NameZerachiel Ranan
NicknameZey, Ciel, Rachel
OccupationTraveller, Travel & Food Blogger
Language SpokenEnglish, Latin, Hebrew, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese
AlignmentChaotic Good

Physical Appearance:

Height185 cm
Weight73 kg
Skin ColorWarm Porcelain
Hair ColorGreyish White
Eye ColorHeterochromia (Red-L, Golden-R)


Zerachiel stays on different places starting from his early teenager age (or some time after the incident happening to Elisheva's family). This builds a trait that develops into detachment to places. Once he loved one town or one place, then he will submit the time he has there to its fullest capacity.

He has grown mature since the early age, but not leaving his playful and witty side. He is a humble genius, never taking credits for the good things he has never done. While on one side he doesn't trust people very quickly, it's not that hard to earn his trust as long as you show that you're a hard-worker. Zerachiel is a family person to the ones who are close to him. To others who are not close enough, then he is a very responsible character.


Zerachiel's father, a fallen angel who is still pious to God, made an oath that he will still help humans just like when he was still an angel. Hence, it made little Zerachiel and his family mostly moving away from one place to another, following his father to go to the place that needed him the most. It wasn't a hard thing for Zerachiel, as he was a bit too young to understand anything and he was also well-liked by the humans.

When he was 4, he lived quite long in one town. It was because his parents met Claire, Elisheva's mother, who suggested to just settle down and open a small clinic instead as their town was in a dire need for more medics. Claire was currently pregnant at that time, and it was nearing her laboring time. Hence, when Claire was delivering Eli, Zerachiel's parents helped her. Even young Zerachiel often had the chance to feed baby Eli or just taking her for a short walk.

Zerachiel was a polar opposite from Eli. He was still well-liked by his friends, especially because of his wit and intelligence. Not to mention that as a Nephilim, he was physically strong and this amazed many of his friends. Yet deep down, he knew that human can be unpleasant, so he kept his supernatural abilities (clairvoyance, exorcism) as secrets. This made him seen as another normie in his circle.

A few days before Eli's house was being attacked by a group of hunters, Zerachiel and his family must go to another city that needed some extra volunteers to handle the victims of a natural disaster. As they came back from their volunteering duty, they already found that the house was empty and even destroyed in some parts.

Zerachiel's nomadic apttern of life starts again a year after that incident. So he moved away again and he follows wherever his heart wanted to go.


Being a Nephilim, Zerachiel is physically stronger than a normal human. He is witty by nature and a genius at mastering magic.

His most notable spiritual powers would be clairvoyance (which developed about 3 months after the incident attacking Elisheva's family) and exorcism. Thinking that it was a part of helping that his father wants him to do, Zerachiel trains himself to perform exorcism and eventually growing his own style. He can do this with full magic without touching the subject, or using another medium like water, egg, or other things. Sometimes even going as far as doing it from a distance and not very close by with the subject.

Zerachiel also wields a sword. Knowing that not many humans would be comfortable with someone carrying a weapon anywhere, he often clouded its appearance to the point that humans with supernatural abilities would need time to find out what he brings. That, or he would conceal it in the form of another object.

His elemental magic abilities covers Light and Water. where he could manipulate and adapt his element for whatever its form is needed.

Zerachiel also wields a claymore sword, inherited from his father. The sword was made in Heaven with a certain meteorite as its core. Also, it has been imbued with white magic power by his father and later, continued by Zerachiel himself. If this sword were to be handed to someone not its original master, then it would barely leave the scabbard, or in short; Zerachiel is the sole master of the sword.


Elisheva Miller (Izgarran) - Foster sister

*will be added later as the roleplay progresses

